Clean Technology Canada

CPMA, FVGC hold annual advocacy event for produce industry

June 12, 2024
By Greenhouse Canada

Presented by:
Clean Technology

Leaders in the produce industry met to address concerns pertaining to Canadians’ “basic human need” at an annual joint advocacy event earlier this month.

In a recent press release, the Canadian Produce Marketing Association (CPMA) and Fruit and Vegetable Growers of Canada (FVGC) reflected on their annual spring advocacy event in Ottawa, Farm to Plate 2024.

The event held on June 5, brought growers and fruit and vegetable stakeholders together to speak with Senate representatives. George Pitsikoulis, CPMA Chair, says in the release that the event “provides us with unique opportunities to connect with elected federal leaders and voice our industry’s concerns.”

He adds: “We are delighted with the productive discussions we had with government representatives and look forward to continued collaboration to address the industry’s challenges and enhance its global competitiveness.”

At the event, industry workers ensured that they were at the forefront of parliament efforts: stabilizing food prices, sustainability initiatives, financial protection measures, and more.

“The regulatory burden and ongoing inflation are some of the critical issues threatening food security in Canada,” Marcus Janzen, FVGC President, said in the release. “As growers, it was crucial for us to engage with the Government to find effective solutions that prioritize Canadians’ access to food, which is a basic human need. We need strategic support to stabilize food prices and ensure the sustainability of our industry.”

The event wrapped up with an evening reception for the industry members, Parliamentarians and their staff. Their next joint advocacy event will take place on Parliament Hill, November 18-20, 2024.

More information on the event can be found on the companies’ websites. (Source: CPMA and FVGC)

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